About Us

J. S. Khandelwal & Co is currently privileged to serve a large number of local firms, bank, companies and individuals including HNI & NRI. Some of the industries covered by the clients are manufacturing, trading, construction, retail chains, banks, solicitors and other professional consultants in India. The services which firm provides includes accounting, internal audit, statutory audit of companies and bank, business process outsourcing, registration formalities, direct and indirect taxation etc.
We proudly state that we have come a long way since the commencement of our operations in 1989 and we believe that there is still a long way to go. In this era of international outsourcing and other allied avenues, scope of expansion is a very distinct and proximate possibility. We look forward to serve a wide spectrum of Indian Industry. We are dedicated to provide highly professional and most reliable quality of services. We are bound to maintain integrity and honesty. We rely upon high morals and supreme ethical values. We hold ourselves responsible to the profession, clients, society at large and to the nation. Our values are our strength which keep us driving and that is the hallmark of our progress.
We believe in providing trustworthy environment to our much valued clients and keep ourselves constantly updated to meet their every existing and anticipated need.
At J. S. Khandelwal & Co we strive to take every client on the path of progress, smoothly and profitably.
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